

Return and refund policy


Not 100% satisfied with your purchase?

You have 30 days from the moment you receive your items to get them back to us and be refunded. The products must be in their original condition. 
To initiate the return process, please contact our customer service agents directly by phone, by chat or by email from the “Contact” section.

Good to know 

  • Products purchased at 40% off or more are considered final sale and are not refundable.
  • A 15% fee on the value of the product will be requested to cover part of the cost of returning the item.

You received a damaged box or broken parts?

If the reason you wish to return your items is due to a breakage or a manufacturing defect, please know your products are covered by a warranty ranging from one (1) year to ten (10) years. You may receive replacement parts at no charge. 

For more information, visit the “Warranty” page, then contact a service agent to make a claim.